The District 12 Treatment Committee provides support for treatment facilities within District 12, both inpatient and outpatient. The committee coordinates AA sponsored meetings at these facilities. We also provide AA Meeting Lists, newcomer packets, books, brochures and literature to other local treatment facilities both inpatient and outpatient.

If you want to show your gratitude, we we always need help for speaking commitments and outreach to local treatment facilities.

For more information or to help, please contact the Treatment Chair at:


Bridging The Gap

Bridging The Gap is a program that pairs up active AA volunteers with alcoholics who are soon to be released from institutions in order to help them to get started in AA on the outside by taking them to meetings, introducing them to other AA’s, etc.

If you are soon be or recently have been released from an institution and can benefit from this program, you can go here to submit a request for a temporary contact.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, please let us know by submitting this application. You can use this application to volunteer to support the Corrections Pre-Release program and the NHAA Hotline as well.


12th Step Opportunities

Lin’s Place is looking for women speakers to cover a commitment on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. If interested, please contact the Treatment Coordinator, Cheryl T at (603)203-7748

Farnum Center is seeking groups to take incoming commitments on a monthly basis to bring the message of AA to the men and women who are residents. If your group is interested in taking a monthly commitment, please contact the AA District 12 Treatment Committee Chairman at

Farnum Center asks that no more than 3 speakers are provided for each meeting and that speakers arrive 5 – 10 minutes BEFORE the start of the meeting.

The Farnum Center recently moved into their new location at 140 Queen City Avenue in Manchester, New Hampshire 03103.

For other treatment commitment opportunities, contact the Treatment Committee Chairman.


“A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.”

© 2024 NHAA District 12. All rights reserved.