Any AA is invited to submit material to the newsletter.

Many people have said, “I want to write something but I don’t know what to write about.” So here are some suggestions:

  • If you’re a founding member of your group, or it’s just been around for a long time, write about its history and any hardships it’s had to overcome along the way.
  • Write an article about your recovery for the issue of your anniversary month.
  • What was the easiest step for you? The hardest? Why?
  • Tell us about meetings you’ve attended in other states and/or other countries. How were they the same? How were they different?
  • Explain why a certain slogan or saying in AA is your favorite.
  • How did you come to choose your home group? How did you choose your sponsor – or did s/he choose you?
  • If you’ve had a spiritual experience, when and what was it?
  • What has the program given you that you never had before?
  • Tell about the service work you’ve done and how it enriched your recovery. Don’t be shy. Submit something today.

Length and format: The newsletter may publish work of different lengths, from snappy one-liners and one-paragraph anecdotes to full-page articles (word count 400-800max) Text sent by e-mail should be submitted in the body of the message or as attached files, saved in “Word,” “Simple text,” or “Rich text.” Handwritten text should be written clearly on one side of the paper. Include your phone Number please.

Articles are reviewed and selected by the editorial team. Dark Pen Line drawings, cartoons, crossword puzzles, etc., are also welcome.

If possible, please email your content in Microsoft Word .DOCx format to:  DO NOT SEND CONTENT AS A PDF FILE.

If you do not have access to a computer or email, you can send your content via US Postal mail to:

The Voice Within
District 12 Newsletter
PO Box 3814
Manchester, NH 03105 

© 2025 NHAA District 12. All rights reserved.