The District records committee is responsible for the general collection and organization of materials relating to the on-going operation of District 12 and the history of the district and its member groups.  Examples of materials to be stored and managed include, but are not limited to:

  • District publications
  • Minutes of the assembly and standing committees, provided to the committee by the District Secretary and the chairs of the standing committees.
  • Copies of motions and actions presented to the Assembly (whether approved or not)
  • Digital or audio media recordings of the assembly or standing committees
  • Copies of standing committee and officer’s reports
  • History’s of groups and records of historical interest which are either collected by the committee and its members, or which are presented to the committee.

The committee is responsible for:

  • Determining the storage methods and location
  • Indexing and retrieving materials as requested
  • Providing storage & retrieval of records for other committees
  • Providing an index of materials which can be browsed by interested parties.

The committee consists of the following:

  • Chairman who oversees the work of the committee and is the primary interface to the District Assembly
  • The current District Registrar
  • The current District Archivist
  • Any AA from District 12 who is willing to commit to working on the committee and who has an interest in this aspect of service.

If you are interested in participating in this work, please contact the District 12 Archivist.

To view the District 12 Records and Archives content, click here.

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