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Alcathon Committee
The Alcathon Committee is responsible for planning and running District 12’s Christmas Alcathon. This is an annual event which is held from 6PM Christmas Eve to 6PM Christmas Day. It consists of 24 hours of meetings (selected via lottery), food and fellowship. The success of this event depends entirely upon volunteers from the AA community. Please consider joining the team. Even if you only have a small amount of time to give, your efforts will be rewarding and greatly appreciated. If you are a Sponsor, this is a great opportunity to get your Sponsee(s) involved in service and this is a great way to get active yourself.
The Committee starts meeting early in the year since this is a 24 hour event and there is a lot of planning and coordination to be done. Generally the Committee is formed by the District Assembly in March and a chair is elected at that time. If you are interested in participating, please contact the current chair by email at